Thursday, 16 February 2012

A walk in the woods

The first signs of spring are upon us i was greeted this morning by two flowering lesser celadine, the yellow petals responding to the warm taste of weak sunshine ,my mind made up i drove to brock bottoms over beacon fell with the road verges full of flowering yellow gorse ,parking up in front of the bird tables that had just been filled with seed a splendid sight of blue tits ,great tits ,chaffinches ,robins ,nuthatches and a fantastic family of long tailed tits. The trees where full of moss glistening in the dew and as i made my way in to the woods i found a recent kill by probably a sparrowhawk, feathers scattered over the floor the badger and deer tracks where numerous, and newly emerged heads of ransoms [wild garlic] where every where i looked, as where the bluebell shoots and those of wood sorrell and anenomes, a woodpecker could be heard hammering away ,early flies enjoying life, as the spiders slowly wake up flittered in the weak sunshine ,only spotted 4 spiders webs,patches of snow drops littered the pathway as did early dandelion and dock leaves, fungi spotted where beech polypore ,king alfreds cakes ,multi zoned polypore and turkey tail as i made my way back to my car a real pleasure appeared as if by magic, as first a female then male dipper with his white bib sang out to there hearts content as they dipped away on there chosen river rocks,  a fine display on a wonderful morning.

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